The mission of the Green Party is to struggle for power, and to build a movement of movements against capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy and endless war.

There are no shortcuts.Bruce Dixon, Georgia Green Party

The challenge for building Green Party Power is significant and requires the efforts of rank and file Greens who want to create a genuine and independent opposition to the American duopoly system. This means we need YOU to actively build a base in your communities that is structured around the core principles of this Project.

What does this mean in practice? First, sign up for our email list to keep abreast of developments and events here.

Next, begin to build a core group of like-minded individuals in your community that you know and trust to help you develop Green Party Power locally. Use this survey to gauge their interest in the effort and develop a sense of how they can contribute. (CLICK HERE FOR PAPER VERSION IN .PDF FORMAT SUITABLE FOR PRINTING)

Once you have assembled a core group of anywhere from 3 to 10 Greens trying to build Power locally, make a list of local causes and struggles going on in your community, be it protests against fossil fuel pipelines and infrastructure expansion, defense of undocumented workers from ICE and other aspects of the policing industry, resistance to privatizing of public infrastructure and utilities (school closures, expansion of charter schools, water and sewer system handovers to private operators, etc.), environmental racism, institutional attacks on minority and frontline communities, or other issues.

From this list, choose a major struggle that has people organized and working on the issue in your locale and develop a working relationship with the leadership of those in struggle. Tell them they can ask you for your support in this struggle and begin to show up to do the grunt work. As they see you are trustworthy, they will begin to hold you to expectations. At this point you can develop a covenant between the two groups known as an accountability partnership. These are relationships that make your Green Power group more than just a passing fad and status symbol in your community. They show your community that you are serious about change and that you accept the following:

You are imperfect enough to admit you will make mistakes and that you need accountability partners to let you know when that happens.


You are humble enough to accept this critique as a part of becoming better activists as opposed to a reason why you should not participate in struggle


You are serious enough to be willing to take risks on behalf of those you feel are struggling for causes the Green Party needs to be championing

Accountability partnerships are defined by open and frequent communication, active and clear understanding with regards to power and how it works in relation to both members of the accountability relationship, and a willingness to change so to do better. You should be checking in with your accountability partners multiple times per month and recognize that the goal is not to recruit them to the Green Party, it is to support their struggle in a way that will let your community know their struggles are important.

These relationships take time and effort to build. They involve internal struggle and sometimes painful growth. But as this happens you will begin to see your own Green Power organization and the wider Green Party developing a reputation as a serious progressive political force that is dedicated to putting its members in the street to make change happen and oppose the corporate political system.

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