Last week, President Bill Clinton made the following comment to the press:

“We know that Jill Stein, preferred alternative of the Russians, got more — the difference in her vote in 2012, 2016 was more than the difference in the election in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania,” he said. “That doesn’t mean the Russians did it, but it’s — it makes you scratch your head…Maybe the Russians did have a decisive impact.”

Clinton’s comments are revealing for several reasons. They are intended to de-legitmize and antagonize any kinds of politics and political parties that try to usurp the Democratic Party’s base voters from an independent left position. They furthermore demonstrate that there are concerns within the halls of power about the power of the people and their ability to oppose the neoliberal consensus in Washington successfully. In the past several years, the people have united to oppose neoliberalism, such as through opposition to fracking, pipelines, and the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Our 2016 vice presidential nominee, Ajamu Baraka, gave an interview on Sputnik Radio that is worth listening to.

Listen to “Bill Clinton Now Says Russia’s Candidate Was Jill Stein, Not Trump” on Spreaker.

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