Why Are Democrats Trying to End the Independence of the Green Party of Connecticut?

One of Green Power Project's core missions is to call for the Green Party to be independent from the Democrats in both word and deed.  We were alerted to this situation in the Green Party of...

Green New Deal Conference Call on 1/17/19

Listen here to this amazing discussion and syndicate it with fellow Greens!

Howie Hawkins on Winning The Green New Deal

The Green New Deal, a plan to transform the economy to one based on clean, renewable energy sources and other measures to adapt to the climate crisis and protect human rights, gained widespread...

Black Alliance for Peace Welcomes Trump Exit from Syria

The Black Alliance for Peace sees the Trump administration’s announced withdrawal of US troops from Syria as “an attempt to realign itself with international law.” The US presence in Syria is...

Howie Hawkins on the Case for an Independent Left Party: From the bottom up

We are going to be syndicating a few recent articles from across the web that we hope Green Party Power readers will read and use in the coming weeks and months to build their Green Party locals....

Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese: Healthcare Impacts Everyone. Demand Transparency In Medicare For All

We are going to be syndicating a few recent articles from across the web that we hope Green Party Power readers will read and use in the coming weeks and months to build their Green Party locals. Our goal is to head into 2019 and the presidential nominations season with a clear sense of purpose and emphasis on Green independence, clarity of vision, and opposition to the duopoly, especially the Democratic Party.

Jon Olsen: Ecosocialism Enters The US Political Dialogue

We are going to be syndicating a few recent articles from across the web that we hope Green Party Power readers will read and use in the coming weeks and months to build their Green Party locals. Our goal is to head into 2019 and the presidential nominations season with a clear sense of purpose and emphasis on Green independence, clarity of vision, and opposition to the duopoly, especially the Democratic Party.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: Time to De-Colonize Human Rights!

“…recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world” These are the words in...

Margaret Kimberley interviewed on CPR Metro about Africom and the International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases

Here is a recent episode of CPR Metro radio featuring Margaret Kimberley interviewed by Don DeBar about a recent conference hosted in Dublin, Ireland about a campaign by a coalition of peace...

Don’t Forget, We Came Up With the Green New Deal, Improved National Medicare for All!

We applaud the efforts of Democrats for finally adopting what the Global Greens began to work on in in 2006 while noting that the delay of 12 years is very significant when it comes to climate change. The Green Party has been advocating for a massive jobs and public works program to transition our energy infrastructure rapidly over to renewable energy for more than a decade.

The Green Party Power Project is a group of Green Party of the United States activists who believe the Party must take steps to build power so it can impact the duopoly parties, win elections and transform the nation. At the foundation of creating a more effective Party is recognizing that we are an opposition party that challenges the political establishment. This requires the Party to be independent of the two establishment parties, the Democrats and Republicans, which are funded by Wall Street, militarism and other big business interests. We began this project in the fall of 2016 by publishing two statements, now archived as the first two selections in the Historical Documents section, that emphasized our independence, especially from the Democratic Party.

Join us as we build Green Party Power locally and nationally!

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